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Code of Conduct


All families that participate in the AHI Swim Team are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship by conducting themselves in a manner that earns the respect of the children, other swimmers, parents, officials and coaches at meets and practices.

As a parent, swimmer or family member on the AHI Swim Team, I will abide by the following guidelines:

  1. Practice teamwork: I will support the values of good sportsmanship by being encouraging, respectful and fair toward all AHI swimmers, parents and coaches.
  2.  Monitor children: Parents and siblings are welcome to watch practices however under no circumstances should a sibling or other child be left unattended or unwatched at the pool. Swimmers and siblings are not permitted to run on the pool deck or grass or climb on the bleachers. Children of parents that are distracting to coaches or lifeguards may be asked to leave the pool.
  3. Be respectful: I understand that criticizing, name-calling, use of abusive language or gestures directed toward the coaches, officials and/or any participating swimmer will not be permitted and will result in being asked to leave the team. I will not coach or instruct the team or any swimmer at a practice or meet in a way that interferes with coaches on the pool deck.
  4. Communicate effectively: During practices and meets all questions or concerns regarding decisions of coaches or officials should be asked after practice is over or directed to a member of the coaching staff by email.
  5. Volunteer: I understand that my volunteer efforts are an integral part of the success of the team and I will complete my volunteer responsibilities. If an emergency arises I will make an effort to have another parent volunteer in my place.

For more information, please review the AHI Swim Team Bylaws.

Thank you for helping us to have a safe, fun and enjoyable swim season! 

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